A gorgeous male Black-headed Grosbeak was a nice surprise, visiting twice on 5/3.
Two days later, a second grosbeak came in, this one without the solid black head (shown with a House Finch).
Keeping with the orange theme, a nice female Bullock's Oriole dropped in briefly on 5/8 (below), which was actually a migrant - only the Hooded seems to nest in the area, though Bullock's are common nesters in nearby Franklin Canyon.
We're noticing lots of young birds at the bath (juvenile Song Sparrow, right), including several instances of adults feeding and interacting with young at the bath.
A Spotted Towhee was nice surprise (below), though not exactly rare in the area - check out the red eye.
A female Western Tanager (below) might have been passed off as a female oriole, but this shot shows the fat bill and eyering, as well as the broad wingbars.
Warblers are always a treat, and this male Yellow Warbler on the 8th spent some time getting wet (below).